Saturday 25 February 2012

camera love continues.... =D

 I was finally in the mood to paint yesterday, vintage cameras are my newest obsession! I would love to do a whole series of cushions with cameras but I hope the obsession lasts till i finish the series! =)...

Monday 20 February 2012

Spring cleaning!


We were doing some much needed cleaning today around the house and we came across these bottles, it would have been a shame to throw them out, so we melted some wax and made candle stands out of them!... We finally have candle stands for terrace dinners, they look nice around the house and they did'nt cost a penny =)...

Sunday 19 February 2012


Its been a while since I’ve put up anything, looks like this is my first post of the new year!...the year started with a whirlwind trip around the country!.. We have class trips every year and sadly this was my last class trip. It was 2 weeks of yummy food, long train rides, amazing company, brilliant architecture and memories to last a lifetime.
Rajastan is the most magical place, its got so much life and colour, the people are nice and the palaces there are beautiful! n i haven’t even started talking about the food!.... We would visit forts and places in the morning, shop like there was no tomorrow in the evening and eat to our hearts content at night! The pineapple cheese chocolate sandwich being the highlight of the trip .. =)

And then there was NASA!.(national architecture students association, it has nothing to do with outer space)…Ahmedabad, 5000 students, 6 tents and 8 trophies! It was definitely eventful, to say the least, there was the usual drama and then some more. There were people from all over the country, who are so different yet so similar only because of their love for architecture. The energy at NASA is crazy and you get to meet the who’s who of architecture!.. We’ve been working on the trophies for the past 2 months and all the work definitely paid off, Sleepless nights, arguments, messed up sheets and every other possible crisis but here we are 2 months later and not only have we survived but we’re closer than ever… =) couldn't be more proud! 

Thursday 8 December 2011

full house

Growing up in a big family I've always loved having a houseful of people! So last week when my seniors had come to mysore it was reason enough to celebrate.We cooked up a storm, we made salad, chicken, mashed potatoes, garlic bread, macaroni and cheesecake.

I love peanuts and i can LIVE on this salad, its super easy to make.
You just need to cut up some vegetables ( i usually use iceberg lettuce/cabbage, tomato and carrot),
Make the dressing ( olive oil, sugar and lime juice mixed in a blender),
and add some  roasted peanuts, roasted sesame and roasted noodles, the noodles and peanuts give the salad a crunch. The salad is yummiest when its cold so pop it in the freezer for a few minutes!...

The night was definitely one to remember. Yummy food and amazing company!..  

Friday 25 November 2011


Good morning Mysore!
We decided to explore a bit today!..  It had rained last  night so  it was cold and the perfect weather for chai and dosa!
After breakfast we went to the main market, its my favourite place to visit!.... its got a million narrow streets selling everything from vegetables to chimes...

Aint it funny.....

Today was one of those days where you cant help but love Mysore.We went to loafing in the older part of the city today.The city has this crazy energy thats hard to explain... Its one of those laid back cities, where everyone smiles at you and no one is in a hurry to get anywhere,but at the same time its bustling with life and colour. It has the prettiest buildings, the quaintest cafes and beleive you me, the yummiest idlis ever! Idlis aren't my favourite food but these are hot and served with a dollop of butter, it literally melts in your mouth..There is  something about mysore and lights!.. the city is lit up for every festival...The first time i saw the palace lit up, i had goosebumps, dussera is like christmas here.Every street is lit up and everyone is celebrating regardless of where they are from!.. The funniest thing is when you are walking down a road, the same road you walk down every day and out of nowhere theres a stage! right in the middle of the road!! Its amusing how stages crop up on the road and everyone just finds another way to get to wherever they have to go to...I never ever imagined myself living here, funny how life works out,the hobby that you once had becomes your job, the people you met on the first day of college become your family and the the city you were determined not to like becomes your home...